2. Terms and abbreviations

AGREX li­cence Eu­ro­pean Union AGREX agri­cul­tural ex­port li­cence. AGREX ex­port li­cences should be ap­plied for us­ing the Elec­tronic im­port and ex­port li­cence ser­vice. User IDs for this ser­vice may be ob­tained by con­tact­ing the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity at tuovi@ruokavi­rasto.fi. An AGREX ex­port li­cence is is­sued as an elec­tronic li­cence for use in Fin­land or as a pa­per li­cence for use else­where in the EU.

AGRIM li­cence Eu­ro­pean Union AGRIM im­port li­cence. AGRIM im­port li­cences should be ap­plied for us­ing the Elec­tronic im­port and ex­port li­cence ser­vice. User IDs for this ser­vice may be ob­tained by con­tact­ing the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity at tuovi@ruokavi­rasto.fi. An AGRIM im­port li­cence is is­sued as an elec­tronic li­cence for use in Fin­land or as a pa­per li­cence for use else­where in the EU.

CN code Com­bined Nomen­cla­ture com­mod­ity iden­ti­fier used in the EU; it has 8 dig­its on an im­port li­cence and 8 or 12 dig­its on an ex­port li­cence.

EORI num­ber Eco­nomic Op­er­a­tors’ Reg­is­tra­tion and Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber, an EU-wide elec­tronic iden­ti­fi­ca­tion sys­tem. In Fin­land, the Cus­toms is the com­pe­tent au­thor­ity for EORI num­ber reg­is­tra­tion. Any per­son or en­tity that is a li­cence ap­pli­cant, a tit­u­lar holder (li­cence holder) or a li­cence trans­feree must have an EORI num­ber. Fol­low­ing amend­ments to EU leg­is­la­tion, as of 6 No­vem­ber 2016 all en­ter­prises, tit­u­lar hold­ers and li­cence trans­fer­ees ap­ply­ing for an im­port or ex­port li­cence will be re­quired to have an EORI num­ber.

Third coun­try Any coun­try that is not a Mem­ber State of the Eu­ro­pean Union.

The Finnish Food Au­thor­ity, the com­pe­tent au­thor­ity in is­su­ing AGREX ex­port li­cences and AGRIM im­port li­cences.

MRN–Move­ment Reg­is­tra­tion Num­ber A num­ber as­signed by a com­pe­tent cus­toms au­thor­ity to the dec­la­ra­tions and no­ti­fi­ca­tions re­ferred to in the Union Cus­toms Code Ar­ti­cle 5(9–14), to TIR move­ments or to ev­i­dence con­cern­ing the cus­toms sta­tus of Union goods.

De­ci­sion to re­lease se­cu­rity with exit cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Proof as re­quired in Ar­ti­cle 14(4)(b) of Com­mis­sion Im­ple­ment­ing Reg­u­la­tion (EU) 2016/1239 of ful­fil­ment of the obli­ga­tion to ex­port, de­liv­ered by the Finnish Cus­toms to the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity by of­fi­cial chan­nels in ex­port pro­ce­dures where the ex­port li­cence is only used in Fin­land and in which prod­ucts leave the cus­toms ter­ri­tory of the EU in Fin­land. If an ex­port li­cence is­sued in Fin­land is used any­where else in the EU, it is the re­spon­si­bil­ity of the tit­u­lar holder to de­liver sim­i­lar proof of ful­fil­ment of the obli­ga­tion to ex­port, in elec­tronic form (in­clud­ing the MRN num­ber) to the au­thor­ity that is­sued the li­cence.

Reg­is­tra­tion num­ber Cus­tomer reg­is­tra­tion num­ber that the cus­tomer is as­signed when reg­is­ter­ing as an im­port and ex­port cus­tomer with the Mar­ket De­part­ment of The Finnish Food Au­thor­ity.

Tar­iff quota A cer­tain quan­tity of goods un­der a cer­tain cus­toms tar­iff head­ing that is en­ti­tled to pref­er­en­tial treat­ment un­der cer­tain con­di­tions.

Finnish Cus­toms The com­pe­tent au­thor­ity for is­su­ing con­fir­ma­tions of re­leas­ing prod­ucts into free cir­cu­la­tion un­der an im­port li­cence or of ful­fil­ment of the obli­ga­tion to ex­port un­der an ex­port li­cence.

Cus­toms rep­re­sen­ta­tive A dec­la­ra­tion of re­lease into free cir­cu­la­tion or of ex­port may be sub­mit­ted by a cus­toms rep­re­sen­ta­tive as re­ferred to in Ar­ti­cle 18 of Reg­u­la­tion (EU) 952/2013. In such cases, the EORI num­ber of the tit­u­lar holder or trans­feree must be en­tered in the cus­toms dec­la­ra­tion.

Cus­toms dec­la­ra­tion A Sin­gle Ad­min­is­tra­tive Doc­u­ment (SAD).

Im­port The ful­fil­ment of cus­toms for­mal­i­ties with re­gard to im­ports and the re­lease of prod­ucts for free cir­cu­la­tion in the Eu­ro­pean Union in con­nec­tion with these for­mal­i­ties.

Se­cu­rity A guar­an­tee is­sued by a fi­nan­cial in­sti­tu­tion ap­proved as guar­an­tor, or a cash de­posit made, to en­sure that cer­tain ac­tions are taken.

With­hold­ing the se­cu­rity Un­der cer­tain cir­cum­stances, the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity may with­hold part or all of a se­cu­rity lodged by a cus­tomer.

Re­leas­ing the se­cu­rity The Finnish Food Au­thor­ity re­leases a lodged se­cu­rity once the obli­ga­tion per­tain­ing to the rel­e­vant im­port or ex­port li­cence has been ful­filled and proof thereof has been de­liv­ered to the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity within the spec­i­fied time pe­riod.

Ex­port The ful­fil­ment of cus­toms for­mal­i­ties with re­gard to ex­ports and the trans­port of prod­ucts out­side the cus­toms ter­ri­tory of the EU.

WTO The World Trade Or­gan­i­sa­tion, founded in 1995. The co­op­er­a­tion it fa­cil­i­tates and the sys­tem of stan­dards it ad­min­is­ters form the foun­da­tion of the mul­ti­lat­eral trade pol­icy of the EU, and there­fore of Fin­land. Prior to 1995, mul­ti­lat­eral trade was based on the Gen­eral Agree­ment on Tar­iffs and Trade (GATT).

Im­port and ex­port li­cences for agri­cul­tural prod­uctsNo­vem­ber 201922.11.2019