6. Licence extract and transfer of a licence

6.1 Licence extract

If the quan­tity in­di­cated in the li­cence has to be di­vided up be­cause of pro­ce­dural or lo­gis­ti­cal rea­sons, or if the tit­u­lar holder or trans­feree is obliged to use an elec­tronic li­cence is­sued in Fin­land in an­other Mem­ber State, the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity may is­sue ex­tracts from the li­cence at the re­quest of the tit­u­lar holder or trans­feree. For an ex­tract to be is­sued, the orig­i­nal li­cence must be sent to the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity and a re­quest for an ex­tract sub­mit­ted by e-mail to tuovi(at)ruokavi­rasto.fi or by mail.

A li­cence ex­tract has the same le­gal ef­fect as the li­cence from which it is ex­tracted, up to the por­tion of the li­cence quan­tity cov­ered by the ex­tract. An ex­tract of an ex­tract can­not be is­sued.

Once a tit­u­lar holder’s ex­tract has been used or has ex­pired, it must be re­turned to the is­su­ing au­thor­ity to­gether with the tit­u­lar holder’s copy of the orig­i­nal li­cence.

6.2 Trans­fer of a li­cence

If so re­quested by the tit­u­lar holder, the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity may trans­fer an is­sued im­port or ex­port li­cence to an­other im­porter or ex­porter dur­ing the pe­riod of va­lid­ity of the li­cence, un­less oth­er­wise pro­vided for in prod­uct-spe­cific leg­is­la­tion. To do this, the orig­i­nal im­port or ex­port li­cence must be sent to the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity and a trans­fer re­quest sub­mit­ted, for in­stance by e-mail (tuovi@ruokavi­rasto.fi). The obli­ga­tion de­riv­ing from a li­cence is non-trans­fer­able; the tit­u­lar holder con­tin­ues to be li­able for this obli­ga­tion with the se­cu­rity lodged.

The rights de­rived from a li­cence or li­cence ex­tract may be trans­ferred to one trans­feree only, and such a trans­fer may only con­cern prod­uct quan­ti­ties not yet at­trib­uted to the li­cence or an ex­tract thereof. A trans­feree is not al­lowed to fur­ther trans­fer the rights to a third party but may trans­fer them back to the tit­u­lar holder. Any trans­fer back to the tit­u­lar holder may only con­cern prod­uct quan­ti­ties not yet at­trib­uted to the li­cence or an ex­tract thereof. A trans­fer or a trans­fer back to the tit­u­lar holder en­ters into force on the date of reg­is­tra­tion.

Im­port and ex­port li­cences for agri­cul­tural prod­uctsNo­vem­ber 201922.11.2019