8. Loss or destruction of the import or export licence

8.1. Replacement licence

An im­port or ex­port li­cence to be used in Fin­land must al­ways be pri­mar­ily ap­plied for as an elec­tronic li­cence. If the li­cence is to be used else­where in the EU, it will be is­sued as a pa­per li­cence. If an is­sued im­port or ex­port li­cence is lost or de­stroyed wholly or in part, the tit­u­lar holder or trans­feree may re­quest the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity to is­sue a re­place­ment li­cence or ex­tract.

A re­place­ment li­cence or ex­tract sub­sti­tutes the orig­i­nal li­cence or ex­tract, in­clud­ing all rights and obli­ga­tions con­cerned. A re­place­ment li­cence or ex­tract may only be is­sued once and for the pe­riod of va­lid­ity and the bal­ance of quan­tity re­main­ing in the orig­i­nal li­cence or ex­tract. A re­place­ment li­cence or ex­tract will not be is­sued where the is­sue of li­cences or ex­tracts for the prod­uct in ques­tion is sus­pended or where it con­cerns an im­port or ex­port tar­iff quota.

If the lost or par­tially de­stroyed orig­i­nal li­cence is found, the tit­u­lar holder must re­turn the orig­i­nal li­cence to the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity , who will re­lease the re­main­ing se­cu­rity for the orig­i­nal li­cence forth­with.

If the re­quest for a re­place­ment li­cence or ex­tract con­cerns a partly or to­tally de­stroyed li­cence or ex­tract is­sued for prod­ucts other than those re­ferred to in sec­tion 5.1 para­graph 1 or sec­tion 5.2 para­graph 1 of this Guide, the spe­cial pro­vi­sions of the Reg­u­la­tion will ap­ply. They are as fol­lows:
• the tit­u­lar holder or trans­feree must prove the to­tal or par­tial de­struc­tion to the sat­is­fac­tion of the li­cence is­su­ing au­thor­ity,

• the re­place­ment li­cence or ex­tract will not be is­sued if the tit­u­lar holder or trans­feree has failed to show that he has taken rea­son­able pre­cau­tions to pre­vent the de­struc­tion of the li­cence or ex­tract, or where the ev­i­dence pro­vided by the tit­u­lar holder is un­sat­is­fac­tory, and

• the se­cu­rity to be lodged for the re­place­ment li­cence or ex­tract shall be 150% of the se­cu­rity for the orig­i­nal li­cence, with a min­i­mum of EUR 3 per 100 kilo­grams or per hec­tolitre or head, tak­ing ac­count of the bal­ance of the quan­tity re­main­ing avail­able at the mo­ment of de­struc­tion, and of the pos­i­tive tol­er­ance, if ap­pli­ca­ble. The bal­ance of se­cu­rity avail­able for the orig­i­nal li­cence may be used when lodg­ing the se­cu­rity for the re­place­ment li­cence. Any ex­cess of the se­cu­rity for the orig­i­nal li­cence com­pared to the se­cu­rity for the re­place­ment li­cence, tak­ing into ac­count the re­main­ing avail­able quan­tity, shall be re­leased im­me­di­ately.

8.2. Du­pli­cate

If a pa­per li­cence or ex­tract is lost or de­stroyed, and the lost or de­stroyed doc­u­ment has been used wholly or in part, for the sole pur­pose of re­leas­ing the still out­stand­ing the se­cu­rity con­cern­ing the re­lease for free cir­cu­la­tion or ex­port which were al­ready reg­is­tered on the orig­i­nal li­cence, the tit­u­lar holder or trans­feree may re­quest the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity to is­sue a du­pli­cate li­cence or ex­tract to be drawn up. The du­pli­cate li­cence or ex­tract may not be ap­plied for re­lease for free cir­cu­la­tion or ex­port, only for re­leas­ing the se­cu­rity. A du­pli­cate li­cence or ex­tract may only be is­sued once.
The tit­u­lar holder or trans­feree must present the du­pli­cate li­cence or ex­tract and the nec­es­sary proof (e.g. cus­toms dec­la­ra­tions) con­cern­ing the use of the de­stroyed li­cence or ex­tract to the cus­toms au­thor­ity, who will make en­tries on and en­dorse the du­pli­cate con­cern­ing the re­lease for free cir­cu­la­tion or ex­port car­ried out un­der the orig­i­nal li­cence or ex­tract. The se­cu­rity can be re­leased once the du­pli­cate en­dorsed by Cus­toms has been re­turned to the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity. In case of ex­port, an exit cer­ti­fi­ca­tion by the cus­toms au­thor­i­ties is also re­quired, as spec­i­fied above in sec­tion 7.1.2.

Im­port and ex­port li­cences for agri­cul­tural prod­uctsNo­vem­ber 201922.11.2019