10. Contact information

Im­port and ex­port li­cences
The Finnish Food Au­thor­ity , Mar­ket De­part­ment

PO Box 100, FI-00027 Seinäjoki

Tel. +358 29 530 0400 (switch­board)
E-mail tuovi(at)ruokavi­rasto.fi

Reg­is­tra­tion as a cus­tomer of the Mar­ket De­part­ment and forms: www.ruokavirasto.fi

The Finnish Food Au­thor­ity, Fi­nan­cial Man­age­ment De­part­ment

PO Box 100, FI-00027 Seinäjoki

Tel. +358 29 530 0400 (switch­board)

E-mail Oili Has­si­nen


Cus­toms au­thor­ity mak­ing en­dorse­ments of cer­tifi­cates

Finnish Cus­toms, For­eign Trade and Tax­a­tion De­part­ment

Elec­tronic Ser­vice Cen­tre

PO Box 512, FI-00101 HEL­SINKI

Tel. +350 295 5207

E-mail spake.vi­enti(at)tulli.fi or spake.tuonti(at)tulli.fi

Quo­tas man­aged with a quota reg­is­ter (‘first come first served’ quo­tas)

Finnish Cus­toms, For­eign Trade and Tax­a­tion De­part­ment

Cus­toms Clear­ance Unit, Tar­iff sys­tems/Quo­tas

PO Box 386, FI-20101 Turku

Tel. +358 40 332 4083, +358 40 332 4092

E-mail ki­in­tio­ryhma(at)tulli.fi

EORI reg­is­tra­tion and forms:
Finnish Cus­toms web­site:

Im­port and ex­port li­cences for agri­cul­tural prod­uctsNo­vem­ber 201922.11.2019