2. General

Rec­om­men­ded brow­sers for read­ing this Gui­de are Goog­le Chro­me and Mo­zil­la Fire­fox. Click on the ar­rows at the bot­tom of the page to brow­se the Gui­de. To re­turn to the Con­tents page, click the Con­tents but­ton in the bot­tom left-hand cor­ner. Click on any head­ing on the Con­tents page to go di­rect­ly to that sec­tion. Click on any im­age to mag­nify it. A link to the print­able PDF ver­sion of the Gui­de may be found in the sec­tion ‘Pub­li­ca­tion de­tails’ at the end.

You can en­ter the elect­ro­nic li­cen­ce ser­vi­ce with your own user­na­me and pass­word.

This user ma­nu­al con­tains inst­ruc­ti­ons for app­lying for li­cen­ces elect­ro­ni­cal­ly. Be­ne­fits of using the web­ser­vi­ce inc­lu­de:

User ma­nu­al for Elect­ro­nic Im­port and Ex­port Li­cen­ce Ser­vi­ceAp­ril 202016.8.2016