3. Applying for electronic creditentials and deactication of usernames

A pre­con­di­ti­on for app­lying for elect­ro­nic cre­den­ti­als is that the com­pa­ny must have re­gis­te­red as a cus­to­mer with the Mar­ket De­part­ment in the Im­port or Ex­port func­ti­on and that it has re­cei­ved in­di­vi­du­a­li­zed 8-di­git re­gist­ra­ti­on num­ber. In or­der to ob­tain the ne­ces­sa­ry cre­den­ti­als the com­pa­ny must also re­turn a Re­gist­ra­ti­on form in the elect­ro­nic im­port and ex­port li­cen­ce ser­vi­ce to the Mar­ket De­part­ment.

Ple­a­se take no­ti­ce that from 6.11.2016 due to chan­ges in EU le­gis­la­ti­on eve­ry com­pa­ny app­lying for im­port or ex­port li­cen­ces must have an EORI-num­ber gran­ted by the Cus­toms. For more in­for­ma­ti­on about the EORI-num­ber in the Cus­toms web­si­te:  http://tul­li.fi/en/e-ser­vi­ces/se­arch-and-qu­e­ry-ser­vi­ces/eori.

Inst­ruc­ti­ons for re­gis­te­ring as a cus­to­mer and re­gis­te­ring as a elect­ro­nic li­cen­ce ser­vi­ce user can be found from our web­si­te https://www.ruo­ka­vi­ras­to.fi/en/com­pa­nies/im­port-and-ex­port/im­port/ag­rim-im­port-li­cen­ces/ and from our app­li­ca­ti­on gui­de. For cus­to­mer re­gist­ra­ti­on you need to fill in the form No. 561000 and  for elect­ro­nic ser­vi­ce cre­den­ti­als you need the form No. 561027.  You can find the app­li­ca­ti­on forms from our web­si­te: https://www.ruo­ka­vi­ras­to.fi/en/com­pa­nies/im­port-and-ex­port/im­port/ag­rim-im­port-li­cen­ces/You can send the sig­ned re­gist­ra­ti­on forms to us scan­ned via email to tuo­vi(at)ruo­ka­vi­ras­to.fi.

User­na­me, pass­word and key code list will be sent to you by e-mail.

Deactivation of usernames

If the con­tact per­son chan­ges in a com­pa­ny, the Fin­nish Food Aut­ho­ri­ty may de­ac­ti­va­te the old user’s ac­cess rights. It re­qui­res that the user him­self/her­self or a com­pa­ny rep­re­sen­ta­ti­ve with the right to sign in­forms the mat­ter in a free-form e-mail to the Fin­nish Food Aut­ho­ri­ty at tuo­vi(at)ruo­ka­vi­ras­to.fi. For the new con­tact per­son, user rights are app­lied for using the abo­ve-men­ti­o­ned form no. 561027.

User ma­nu­al for Elect­ro­nic Im­port and Ex­port Li­cen­ce Ser­vi­ceAp­ril 202016.8.2016