10. Instructions for providing a security

When app­lying for for a cer­ti­fi­ca­te re­qui­res that a se­cu­ri­ty is lod­ged, the pro­ce­du­re for lod­ging a se­cu­ri­ty is the fol­lo­wing:

The app­ro­ved forms of se­cu­ri­ty are a cash de­po­sit and a se­cu­ri­ty pled­ge pro­vi­ded by a gu­a­ran­tor app­ro­ved by the Fin­nish Food Aut­ho­ri­ty.

A cash de­po­sit is to be paid to the fol­lo­wing bank ac­count of the Fin­nish Food Aut­ho­ri­ty:
FI04 5000 0121 5047 80
(re­fe­ren­ce: se­cu­ri­ty)

A se­cu­ri­ty pled­ge shall be of a pre­de­ter­mi­ned form and the cus­to­mer ne­go­ti­a­tes the se­cu­ri­ty pled­ge with his or her own fi­nan­ci­al ins­ti­tu­ti­on. A samp­le of the se­cu­ri­ty pled­ge is avai­lab­le on re­qu­est by e-mail from Mavi (oili.has­si­nen(at)mavi.fi). A sig­ned bank gu­a­ran­tee pled­ge shall be sent to:

The Fin­nish Food Aut­ho­ri­ty
P.O. Box 100, FI-00027

In ur­gent ca­ses a re­ceipt of the cash de­po­sit or the sig­ned bank gu­a­ran­tee pled­ge can be sent first by e-mail (to oili.has­si­nen(at)ruo­ka­vi­ras­to.fi). A sta­te­ment of the ac­count will be sent to the cus­to­mer.

The Fin­nish Food Aut­ho­ri­ty de­ci­des on the rele­ase of an as­sig­ned se­cu­ri­ty or for­feits it in ac­cor­dan­ce with re­qui­re­ments laid down by EU le­gis­la­ti­on on the or­ga­ni­za­ti­on of mar­kets. In case the cus­to­mer has pled­ged a cash gu­a­ran­tee, the sum to be for­fei­ted shall be de­duc­ted from this se­cu­ri­ty. If the cus­to­mer has pro­vi­ded a bank gu­a­ran­tee as a se­cu­ri­ty, the Fin­nish Food Aut­ho­ri­ty shall in­voi­ce the cus­to­mer for the sum to be for­fei­ted.

Cus­to­mers who want to have the re­le­a­sed se­cu­ri­ty paid back into their bank ac­count must sub­mit a re­qu­est in wri­ting to Fi­nan­ci­al Ma­na­ge­ment at the Fin­nish Food Aut­ho­ri­ty (e-mail to oili.has­si­nen(at)ruo­ka­vi­ras­to.fi or tuo­vi(at)ruo­ka­vi­ras­to.fi). The re­qu­est may be free­form but it must be da­ted and sig­ned, and it must spe­ci­fy the se­cu­ri­ty num­ber, the amount of the se­cu­ri­tyand the num­ber of the bank ac­count whe­re the se­cu­ri­ty is re­tur­ned.

User ma­nu­al for Elect­ro­nic Im­port and Ex­port Li­cen­ce Ser­vi­ceAp­ril 202016.8.2016