15. Licences

Through the Li­cences sec­tion you may ex­am­ine the sta­tus and ca­pac­ity of the li­cence. By choos­ing the num­ber of the li­cence, a screen opens up on which you can see the reser­va­tions and con­fir­ma­tions made.

Be­fore clear­ance you have to make a reser­va­tion to the li­cence.  Fill in the sec­tion Add reser­va­tion. You can choose the en­try ref­er­ence by your­self. Reser­va­tion date comes au­to­mat­icly from the sys­tem and it is the present date. Quan­tity to be re­served is the quan­tity you’re im­port­ing/ex­port­ing. It is pos­si­ble to make mul­ti­ple reser­va­tions on a li­cence. You can also edit the quan­tity or delete the reser­va­tion un­til Cus­toms make the  con­fir­ma­tion of trans­ac­tion. No­tify the  Reser­va­tion ID af­ter the li­cence num­ber to  on the cus­toms dec­la­ra­tion.

The reser­va­tions you add will be seen un­der ”Open re­served trans­ac­tions”. When the Cus­toms have con­firmed the trans­ac­tion it will trans­fer un­der ”Con­firmed li­cence trans­ac­tions”

At the bot­tom of the screen there is a but­ton from which a used li­cence is re­turned to the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity. Also un­used li­cences have to be re­turned to the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity. Im­port li­cences have to be re­turned to the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity within 60 days from the last day of val­i­tidy.  Ex­port li­cences have to be re­turned within 180 days af­ter the last day of va­lid­ity.  No­tice that tar­iff quota li­cences may have dif­fer­ent time lim­its for re­turn­ing the li­cence.  Once the li­cence is re­turned the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity will re­lease the se­cu­rity. Do not re­turn the li­cence be­fore the Cus­toms have con­firmed the li­cence trans­ac­tions. Oth­er­wise the li­cence trans­ac­tions do not up­date to the sys­tem and the li­cence re­turns to the Finnish Food Au­thor­ity un­used.

Trans­fer­ring the li­cence to an­other cus­tomer; there is a let­ter S at the end of the li­cence num­ber FI576542[S]. The mark­ing shows only with the cus­tomer to whom the li­cence has been trans­ferred to. You can ask for a trans­fer by e-mail at tuovi(at)ruokavi­rasto.fi.

User man­ual for Elec­tronic Im­port and Ex­port Li­cence Ser­viceApril 202016.8.2016