4. Store and Availability


The to­tal quan­tity of SMP avail­able for sale in Fin­land un­der ten­der is 285,500 tons (25.1.2019) held in 25kg sacks.  As a rule, one pal­let con­tains 40 sacks i.e. 1,000 kg. The age and lo­ca­tion of SMP are out­lined be­low.

SMP will be avail­able for col­lec­tion from the load­ing bay and onto trans­port from:

Suomen Vil­java Oy
Vil­javaras­ton­tie 14,
32200 LOIMAA

Con­tact: Jorma Ruha
Email: jorma.ruha@suomenvil­java.fi

Load­ing fa­cil­i­ties are avail­able, pre­cise ar­range­ments can be es­tab­lished by con­tact­ing the store.


Date of De­liv­ery and De­liv­ered Ton­nage

17.5.2016, 67.950 tn
19.5.2016, 72.950 tn
23.5.2016, 67.950 tn
24.5.2016, 68.000 tn
25.5.2016, 68.500 tn

To­tal vol­ume for sale: 285,500 tn (sit­u­a­tion 25.1.2019)

Sales of In­ter­ven­tion Skimmed Milk Pow­derNo­tice to traders 201918.1.2018