3. Security

Ap­pli­cants must pro­vide a se­cu­rity of 50EUR/tonne at the time of ap­pli­ca­tion. Ap­pli­ca­tion is not ac­cepted un­til the se­cu­rity is in place.  At 12.00am (Finnish time) on the clos­ing day for ap­pli­ca­tions, we must be in re­ceipt of the ap­pli­ca­tion and se­cu­rity.

The se­cu­rity must be in the form of cash de­posit or a guar­an­tee pro­vided by a bank.

The guar­an­tee pro­vided by a bank have to be of fixed form and the ap­pli­cant ne­go­ti­ates the guar­an­tee with his own fi­nan­cial in­sti­tu­tion.

A sam­ple of the bank guar­an­tee is avail­able on re­quest by email from oili.has­si­nen@foodau­thor­ity.fi.  Also the signed bank guar­an­tee needs to be sent to Oili Has­si­nen.

In case where ten­der ap­pli­ca­tions are not ac­cepted se­cu­rity will be re­leased af­ter ap­pli­cant have re­quested the re­turn.

For se­cu­ri­ties

Bank: Po­hjola Pankki Oyj
IBAN: FI04 5000 0121 5047 80
Please use ”Se­cu­rity” as the ref­er­ence when lodg­ing cash se­cu­ri­ties.

Send the signed bank guar­an­tee or re­ceipt of the cash de­posit to:

Email: oili.has­si­nen@foodau­thor­ity.fi


Finnish Food Au­thor­ity,
se­cu­rity IV SMP
P.Box 100 (Al­var Aal­lon katu 5)

Sales of In­ter­ven­tion Skimmed Milk Pow­derNo­tice to traders 201918.1.2018