5. Adjustication Process

All ap­pli­ca­tions will be re­layed by Mar­ket De­parte­ment to the Com­mis­sion when the ap­pli­ca­tion win­dow has closed.

The com­mis­sion will con­sider all ap­pli­ca­tions against the ceil­ing quan­tity and de­cide on the min­imun price for sell­ing.

The min­i­mum price will be pub­lished in the Of­fi­cial Jour­nal of the Eu­ro­pean Union.

If an ap­pli­ca­tion is equal to or higher than the price set, then the ap­pli­ca­tion may be ac­cepted sub­ject to stock avail­abil­ity and price ten­dered.

Ap­pli­ca­tions lower than the min­i­mum price set by the Com­mis­sion, will be re­jected.

Where the Com­mis­sion set no price, all ap­pli­ca­tions will be re­jected.

We will no­tify all ap­pli­cants whether ap­pli­ca­tions have been ac­cepted or re­jected.

Veterinary health certificate

It is the ex­porter’s re­spon­si­bil­ity to make sure that it is al­lowed to ex­port cer­tain food prod­uct to the coun­try of des­ti­na­tion as well  as to check the re­quire­ments for the heath cer­tifi­cate. Fin­land or the EU has agreed on a cer­tain health cer­tifi­cate mod­els to be used when ex­port­ing milk prod­ucts to cer­tain coun­tries.

For get­ting the vet­eri­nary health cer­tifi­cate for the SMP loads, you need to con­tact com­pe­tent lo­cal au­thor­ity who is­sues this cer­tifi­cate.

At­t­Loimaa in­ter­ven­tion stor­age the com­pe­tent au­thor­ity is Mu­nic­i­pal­ity of Li­eto, de­part­ment of en­vi­ron­men­tal health. Con­tact per­son is of­fi­cial vet­eri­nar­ian Meri Kallankari, meri.kallankari@li­eto.fi. You need to in­form Meri Kallankari about the load­ing days of SMP at least two days be­fore load­ing.

Vet­eri­nary health cer­tifi­cate:

Con­tact per­son: Meri Kallankari, meri.kallankari@li­eto.fi

Sales of In­ter­ven­tion Skimmed Milk Pow­derNo­tice to traders 201918.1.2018