6. Payment and Collection


Af­ter the Com­mis­sion have de­cided on the min­i­mum price for sell­ing, the Mar­ket De­part­ment will no­tify the ap­pli­cants for ac­cap­tance of ap­pli­ca­tions.

Pay the purschase price to the ac­count of Agri­cul­tural In­ter­ven­tion Fund:

IBAN: FI07 5000 0120 3784 59
Ref­er­ence: con­tract num­ber

Once the Mar­ket De­part­ment has re­ceived in­for­ma­tion about the pay­ment made, the in­ter­ven­tion stor­age will re­ceive per­mis­sion to re­lease a cor­re­spond­ing quan­tity. Mar­ket De­part­ment will also no­tify the ap­pli­cant about this per­mis­sion.


SMP is pos­si­ble to col­lect from store af­ter the pur­chase price has been paid, how­ever, with­ing 30 days at the lat­est (from the no­ti­fi­ca­tion of ac­cep­tance of the ap­pli­ca­tions).

In case the pay­ment has not been made and the ap­pli­cant has not taken pos­ses­sion of the SMP within the time limit men­tioned above, the se­cu­rity shall be with­held and the sale shall be canselled in re­spect of the re­main­ing quan­ti­ties.

SMP is pos­si­ble to col­lect from the store from Mon­day to Fri­day dur­ing nor­mal work­ing hours. The ap­pli­cant must agree with the store­keeper (and the Cus­toms) about the dis­patch sched­ule.

The seller ar­ranges that the SMP is avail­able for col­lec­tion from the load­ing bay of the stor­age.

Sales of In­ter­ven­tion Skimmed Milk Pow­derNo­tice to traders 201918.1.2018